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Belfast Trust

Belfast Trust Chaplaincy News “New beginnings”

The Belfast Trust Chaplaincy Department has celebrated a number of significant events in recent months.

On Thursday 3rd December 2015 a special Advent service was held to officially welcome Mrs Vivienne Manley to the chaplaincy team in the Belfast City Hospital (BCH) where she is the Protestant chaplain to the Cancer Centre. Vivienne is also the chaplain for the Neo-natal Intensive Care Unit at the Royal Jubilee Maternity Service (RJMS).

In Fitzroy Presbyterian Church on Sunday 8th May 2016 at 7.00pm Mrs Heather McCracken was officially inducted as the Presbyterian deaconess to the Belfast Trust. She is based 3 days in the Royal Victoria Hospital (RVH) and 1 day in BCH.

On Tuesday 10th May at 2.00pm in the BCH Church Rev Rosie Morton was officially welcomed and installed as Church of Ireland chaplain in BCH. Rosie is also Church of Ireland chaplain in the Mater Hospital. Heather McCracken was also welcomed as Presbyterian deaconess.

At the same service 4 beautiful tapestries given by the Munce family were dedicated in memory of Mrs Marilyn Munce.

Weekly Christian services are held in the BCH Church (A Floor, Tower Block) with United Church Service Sunday at 9.30am and Celebration of Mass Sunday at 8.15am & 11.15am. The Hospital Church is open 24 hours per day for private prayer and reflection.

The Trust Chaplaincy team has also welcomed Fr Michael Dempsey, Catholic chaplain, to RVH, Fr Andrew Black, Catholic chaplain, to BCH, Rev Norman Harrison, Presbyterian chaplain, to RVH, and Ms Ruth Yeo, Humanist chaplaincy volunteer, to RVH.

RVH Chapel

On Thursday 19th May 2016 at 10.00am the RVH Chapel on the Victorian corridor was officially reopened by the Trust Chairman, Mr Peter McNaney CBE, and rededicated by Church representatives.

The Chapel has been redecorated, including restoring the old stained glass window frames. It is now open every day from morning until evening as a place of Christian worship and for patients, families and staff to use for private prayer and reflection.

Weekly Christian services are held in the Chapel with Sunday Masses at 8.10am and 10.00am and Interdenominational services, conducted on a rota basis by the Protestant chaplains, at 2.00pm. Patients, families and staff are very welcome to attend the Masses and services or just to use the Chapel as a place of private prayer and reflection.
The Quiet Room in the RVH front foyer remains open to all as a multifaith place for prayer and reflection.
Anyone coming into hospital as an inpatient is reminded that you should be asked to declare your denomination/religious affiliation and if you would like a visit from a chaplain. If these questions are not asked or you reply in the negative then your name will not appear on the chaplaincy visiting list.
Further information about the Chaplaincy Service across the different sites can be found on the Belfast Trust internet site -

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