Our main aims and functions are to support healthcare chaplains in the exercise of their ministry as well as to encourage continued professional and vocational development through the promotion and provision of appropriate training and the dissemination of resources.
We also encourage reflective practice through the provision of
opportunities for sharing, increasing knowledge, and theological and
pastoral reflection.
We feel it is vital to be a representative and consultative body for chaplains which helps us to establish and promote good working relationships with other organisations concerned with healthcare.
Finally, we also feel that it is important to regularly communicate and consult with chaplains, church and faith Communities, DHSSPSNI and other national and international organisations.
Our aims are achieved through a range of different methods:
- Regular communication and consultation with chaplains, member Churches, DHSSPSNI, and other relevant bodies
- The exchange of information and ideas from chaplaincy within/out Northern Ireland
- Arranging relevant training programmes and reflective processes
- A limited provision of funding toward members’ training
- We also circulate a quarterly e-newsletter keeping our members up to date
Our Mission:
The NIHCA shall exist to promote and develop the personal, vocational and professional well being of healthcare chaplains – supporting them in exercising a professionally competent and ethical ministry, and to promote public confidence in healthcare chaplaincy. Recognising the inherent dignity and worth of the human person, the Association shall seek to ensure that spirituality, faith and religion are recognised as essential dimensions of each person. The Association shall desire to see and be committed to working towards a healthcare system where the spiritual and religious needs of all are met with inclusivity, justice and equality.

In September 2022, the NIHCA Executive approved publication of a report on the NIHCA – its past, present & future. It can be downloaded here: