New Resource for patients, staff and families. facebook page ni-chaplains-for patients, staff and families
Art Pack – Quality Improvement Initiative – Rev Norman Harrison, chaplain at Belfast Trust.
ART-pack: A report from Rev Norman Harrison, chaplain at Belfast Trust This is a Quality Improvement initiative designed to help alleviate bed-side boredom and to provide a therapeutic tool. Funding for an initial trial was awarded by the Trust, and a journal produced encouraging patients to write prose or poetry,...
Prof. Katherine M. Piderman – Inaugural Research Workshop – Monday 6th May 2019
Prof. Katherine M. Piderman Katherine (Kate) Piderman was born and raised in Vancouver, B.C., Canada, but has lived in the Midwestern United States most of her adult life. She has graduate degrees in theology and psychology and has served in ministerial roles in parishes and medical facilities. Certified by the...
Inaugural Research Workshop – Monday 6th May 2019
We invite you to join us for our inaugural research workshop. We are delighted to welcome Prof. Katherine M. Piderman (Mayo Clinic) to share with us from her extensive experience as a Board Registered Chaplain, Psychiatrist and Theologian. Our morning session will focus on building research skills in Chaplaincy and...
RCN Service – Belfast
The Royal College of Nursing was formed in 1916, with the first Congress being held 50 years ago. In May 2018 Congress was held for the first time in Northern Ireland, with almost 5000 delegates from across the UK and further afield registered to attend. Traditionally, the start of Congress...
Community Relations Week – International Day of Peace
As part of Community Relations week, Thursday 21st September was International Day of Peace. The chaplains at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, had a drop-in for staff to meet members of the wider chaplaincy team, including some of our other Faith/Belief volunteers. Photo 1 - Ruth Yeo (Humanist/Non-religious pastoral support volunteer)...
Reopening and Blessing of the Mater Hospital Chapel
On 27th June 2017. Approx 250 people attended the service which was held in the Mater Hospital Atrium and led by the hospital chaplains. Church leaders performed the Reopening and Blessing in the Chapel, witnessed by Chaplains, and representatives from Trust Management, Staff, patients and friends.
When Chaplains come in twos!’
Rosie enjoyed a teaching session with Palliative care nurses on spiritual care at the end of life and then met up with Canon David Ferry ....